West Sussex "MARTLETS"
Next ICC season 2025/26 our teams will be called the "Martlets" and the "Saxons", instead of "Premier" & "A-Team".
And our B Team
West Sussex "SAXONS"
NOTE: The original West Sussex logo will be worn on the County Shirts
Congratulations to our County Fours Winners 2024/25
Author: SirRog!
I was introduced to Short Mat Bowls in 2005, and have been "hooked" ever since! I have played for my local club (Cowfold) ever since. I have represented my County West Sussex at all levels. I have been my club secretary since 2006 and in 2016 I became County Secretary & Membership Secretary. I recently took on the task of building this website with no previous experience, although my background included working with computers! View all posts by SirRog!